Technical Specifications

Item Number



1 Pumps

Wave powered high pressure pumps



Pelton wheel (power/pressure recovery device – pumping)


Sensor systems

SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition)



Integrated PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) for SCADA


Operating temperature

15-32 Celsius


Recovery rate



Energy consumption (T-27 Celsius)

Self sufficient


Electrical supply

N/A – direct wave powered pumps


Power consumption

N/A – self sufficient


Power stability

N/A – wave energy regime variations mitigated with water storage supplementation


Production capacity

10,000 or 20,000 or other as required cubic meters per day


Production pressure

Residual pressure from brine stream enables the re-vpressurisation of the fresh water to be pumped to an altitude of up to 500m above sea level


Water storage

3-4 hours – allocate with on-shore or other (dependent on pipeline availability)


Water quality

WHO quality recommendations & South African regulations for potable water


Marine access

Up to 800 meters


Plant height above sea level

Up to 10 meters


Distance from shore

Wave powered high pressure pumps


Site on-shore allocation

5,000 square meters on land with a pipeline connecting the shore facility with a field of wave pumps


Site off-shore allocation/10m

Seabed: Field of wave pumps approximately 800m off-shore covering an area of approximately 5000m2 of seabed

Floating:Total surface area of sea that would be covered by floating devices would cover an area of 1000m2. Floatation devices are submersible and shall be slightly positively buoyant



Configuration: Containerised or skid mounted


Saline extraction

Up to 30,000 cubic meters per day with 1.5m sand around the intake head/discharge diffusers @ 20 to 27 Celsius


Extraction depth

10-15 meters


Marine pipe type

Shore dig and bury – entire pipeline route consists of 1m sand with no hard rocks


Tank size

Approximately 4,000 cubic meters


Main building

100 to 120 square meters with Operations Center, Data Center and office space


SWRO housing

Core systems for site security and communication


Core management systems

Wave powered high pressure pumps


Operator control systems

Operations and performance management systems


Marine monitoring

Surveillance of marine installations


Monitoring & management

Site and support systems for SCADA


Data management & integrated site data

Plant Performance and Efficiency Data production


Site development

Concrete slabs and paving


Plant type

SWRO system (Sea Water Reverse Osmosis)


Off-shore unit capacity

500kLD of fresh water per day


Off-shore unit sea state data

Production possible from moderate conditions of 1,4m wave height and an 18 second wave period

Marine Requirement Specifications

The site and other implementation pre-requisites for implementation ensure modular and fast deployment. Reasonable industry assumptions are made and changes required may result in scope variations. Meeting site criteria is essential for site selection for both plant and marine sections. The specification supports an off-shore pump system intake with physical water characteristics of TDS<36,000 ppm:

Feed Water Parameters




Turbidity NTU <10 <25
TSS mg/L <20 <50
TOC mg/L <5 <15
COD mg/L <15 <30
Total oil & grease mg/L Negligible <1
Total iron mg/L <0.2
Total manganese mg/L <0.05
Total colour Pt-Co/L <0.1 <20
Total hardness as CaCO3 mg/L <2,000 <3,000

Product Water Parameters


Expected Value

Turbidity MTU <0.2
SDI <3

Additional Specifications

Contribution pipes with main dual intake pipes of up to 800m terminated with a manifold connecting the pipeline to a field of wave pumps and equipped with pre-filtration systems:

    1. Buried through the surf zone
    2. Anchored to the sea floor to a seawater depth of approximately 10~15m
    3. Each wave pump draws its water through a pre-filtration system buried up to 6m deep in sand


    1. Single brine discharge pipeline of up to 500m
    2. Buried through the surf zone and anchored to the sea floor
  • Brine dispersion diffusing is to be mounted at the correct distance from shore and the intake heads
  • No further treatment

Any work on the marine sector such as shore digging assumes sand and the ability to bury the entire pipeline route. Soil type of 1m sand along the marine routes required. Any rocks or cliffs in or out of the water that prevent the gravitational discharge feed of sea water result in a variation (change) request. Such tunneling, as well as under large roads, rail roads, etc. can result in scope variations.

      SWRO General Requirements

      1. The land with suitable soil and geotechnical conditions for executing the project, shall be provided to the Service Provider free of charge, for the entire duration of the project.
      2. Marine access and sufficient area for wave pump systems and pipelines. This includes the requisite areas on the seabed as well as floating components.
      3. The Customer is responsible of all community relationships and other social impact.
      4. The Service Provider is to be provided with permits for buildings, plans, regulatory and other zoning requirements as well as licenses within 21 days to enable the commencement of the installation of the System and its components.
      5.  Right of way for the related pipelines (off-shore marine section, between the intake pumps to plant, between plant and client reservoir (if applicable)) including installation thereof, shall be granted free of any charge, for the entire duration of the project.
      6. Access roads to site and along the pipelines shall be made available, free of any charge, for the entire duration of the project.
      7. The output of the system will vary as the sea/wave conditions vary. No penalties can be levied against the Service Provider for delivery that is comparable to the expected output during any particular sea state. The capacity of the storage needs to be large enough to modulate the differences between the actual output and the demands at any particular time.
      8. All approvals necessary for the execution of the project, including without limitation, with regards to permits, licenses, infrastructure and so on, whether to be granted by the client, or any governmental, municipal, private or other authority, shall be granted in a timely manner and in accordance with the project schedule. The party whose responsibility it is to procure these permits, license approvals and the like shall at all times keep the other party informed of any possible delays that may be experienced in obtaining these approvals.

      Our founding principle

      “Liberty is the right to have basic services, freedom is to have access to such services.”